2017 - 40th Anniversary of the founding of LAMPIRE Biological Laboratories, Inc.
2017 - Acquisition of H.B. Custom Media in Bethlehem, PA.
2016 - Expanded Everett Farm operations- new facilities for quarantine, new site land development
housing nearly 500 sheep, with the ability to expand 4X
2016 - Obtains Certification to ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 13485:2003
2015 - 2,500 square foot cGMP Tissue Processing Facility built in Everett, PA
2015 - Expanded catalog with addition of new antibodies
2014 - Doubles purification capabilities with redundancies at multiple sites
2013 - Expanded transgenic animal models and facilities
2012 - Established new BioPharma business unit focused on companion diagnostics and expanded antibody production services under the direction of our Director of Biological Manufacturing
2011 - New high-tech vivarium added to Biotech Research and Resource Center in Pipersville, PA
2011 - Obtains New (EC) No.1069/2009 & (EU) No.142/2011 regulation compliance
2011 - Opens industry’s first AAALAC accredited llama antibody production facility
2010 - Established partnership with Proliant Inc. for custom and small packaging of BSA
2010 - Launches the OMNI C3® Cell Culture Bag
2010 - Recipient of the 2010 Pfizer ERS Difference Maker Award
2010 - Selected as only production member of the Pharmaceutical Zebrafish Consortium Establish DM/PK and Teratology Screening Services
2008 - Expanded contract manufacturing capabilities
2007 - Opens state-of-the-art 18,000 square foot Bioprocessing Laboratory in western PA
2006 - New, expanded Products and Service catalog released
2005 - Launches Lampire Cell Culture Bag, a proprietary cell culture device for improved protein yield
2004 - Opens state-of-the-art Polyclonal Production Facility at western PA campus
2004 - Obtains the first EC 1774/2002 Regulation compliance in State of PA
2004 - Opens western regional office in San Diego, CA
2002 - Obtains AAALAC accreditation for all campuses
2000 - Expanded western PA campus to over 400 acres
2000 - Opens BLS II large animal barrier facility on western PA campus
1997 - Grand opening of Biotech Research and Resource Center in Pipersville, PA
1995 - Expanded western PA campus to over 250 acres
1992 - Offers lateral-flow and immunoassay development services
1986 - Established 125 acre small and large animal laboratory and production facility in western PA
1986 - Acquisition of Mayer and Myles Laboratories in Coopersburg, PA.
1984 - Completed construction of specialized small Laboratory Animal Housing Facility
1982 - Established additional 40 acre small and large animal facility in eastern PA
1979 - Established two Large Animal production facilities in eastern PA
1977 - Lampire founded in Doylestown, PA